Adult Sunday School & Small Groups

We realize you can get lost at Polk Street with the size and scope of the ministries at our church. We also realize that our faith most easily grows and matures in smaller and more intimate settings. At Polk Street we have small groups for people from many different stages of life.

Check out the various groups listed here and discover a place to connect.

Sunday School Classes

Sundays at 9:45 AM

Room 308 | 3rd Floor

Bible-based lessons are led by class members and invited guest teachers knowledgeable in their topic. Questions are encouraged as part of the learning experience. Monthly dinners and a variety of service projects are an important part of this group’s ministry. The group is comprised of mostly, but not limited to, empty-nesters and retired professionals.
Room 201 | 2nd Floor

We seek to discover God's will through interactive, discussion-based lessons led by various members of the class or one of our church staff. Throughout the year the group participates in mission projects and fellowship activities. This class is comprised mostly of "Xennials" in their thirties: singles and couples; some having young children. For more information, check out @DiscoveryClassPolkStreet on Facebook.
Wesley Hall | Christian Life Center

Genesis seeks to explore, develop and challenge thoughts and perspectives about living a Christian life in a complicated/diverse world. We are financially supportive of identified needs within the church and community. Bi-monthly socials aid in everyone getting to know each other on a personal basis. Everyone is welcome and the class includes people who are married, single, empty-nesters, and families with children still in school.
Room 105 | 1st Floor

Class time together begins with greeting, care for members, and a devotional from a class member. Four teachers alternate leading the Bible lessons. We travel through the Bible, Old and New Testaments, in the course of three years. Printed materials are provided for each student. Members are 50+.
Room 303 | 3rd Floor

Studies focus on the Bible through both direct Bible study and topical studies. A study guide is used during each lesson to help facilitate discussion and growth in one’s faith journey. The class ages range from mid-40’s and beyond. Comprised of families with children and youth. Class time together begins with conversation followed by mutual support and encouragement.
Life Two-Gether
Room 205 | 2nd Floor

Visiting teachers lead the class in a study of a wide range of topics. Class members enjoy the fellowship of being part of a Christian community. 60 and up.
District Office on Polk Street

This class welcomes men of all ages who seek to know God and grow in faith through study based on the Bible and quarterly curriculum. We encourage and value everyone’s thoughts and opinions and embrace independent perspectives. In-class discussions and fellowship build strong, rewarding, and lasting relationships.
Room 304 | 3rd Floor

The Bible is studied from the perspective of history, literary style, authors, and what the text meant during Biblical times as well as what it means for life today. Mission outreach is a high priority for this class as they provide blankets for homeless children, help with Snack Paks for Kids, and High Plains Food Bank. Singles and couples who are 50+. 
New Hallelujah
Room 207 | 2nd Floor

If you want lessons centered on a Bible-based curriculum then check out New Hallelujah. The format of this class begins with the lesson first promptly at 9:45 AM so that choir members may fully participate before leaving at 10:30 for choir warm-up. After the lesson, there is a time of fellowship before the worship service begins. We support the youth confirmands and choir efforts. This class is a mix of young adults to senior citizens.
Room 306 | 3rd Floor

Various topics are presented by multiple leaders, with each lesson seeking to challenge growth in faith and faithfulness throughout one's Christian journey in life. We support mission projects in the church and greater community, both financially and with active participation. We have frequent social gatherings, often at members' homes. Singles and couples who are 60+ (but we won’t hold it against you if you are younger).

Small Groups

Sundays at 6 PM | Coffee Shop in the Christian Life Center

Men’s small group focused on Bible study and encouraging one another. Comprised of men with young children and youth.
Women’s Small Group Bible Study
Sundays at 6pm | Wesley Hall in the Christian Life Center

Women of all ages and stages of life come together to study Scripture, fellowship, and encourage one another. Studies are generally centered on Biblical topics, with video teaching and small group discussion.
Women’s Bible Study & Prayer Group
Tuesdays at 10 AM | Library, Room 206 on the 2nd Floor

Our weekly one-hour group is a place of connection, laughter, and heartfelt support. Each week, we gather as a small, committed group to delve into the Word, share our lives, and pray for one another. Through tears and laughter, we walk together in faith, creating a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and loved. This is more than just a meeting; it’s a time to grow closer to God and each other in a nurturing and uplifting environment.
Methodist Women
First Sunday of Each Month at 6:30 PM |The Parlor

Polk Street Methodist Women meet to study, socialize, and be in mission together. On the first Sunday of each month we meet for a meal, a study, and fellowship. We also have book clubs, occasional Saturday luncheons, and special speakers who focus on local and area missions. 
Methodist Men
Fridays at 6:45 AM to 8:00 AM |Wesley Hall in the Christian Life Center

We meet each week for breakfast, a teaching or special presentation, and prayer. On the first Friday of each month a community leader gives their testimony while we enjoy a hot breakfast cooked by our men. On the third Friday of the month we have pancakes and sausage cooked by our men. The other Fridays breakfast is not supplied but all are encouraged to bring their own. We have a wonderful group of men who care for one another, work together on mission projects (Texas Ramp Project, Hamburger Feeds, etc.), and grow in our faith with one another.

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